12 July 2020

Birthday Candles

Make a really bold birthday card using washi tape for the candles

Are all crafters hoarders? I know I definitely am! I realised I had a lovely collection of washi tape the other day and needed to find a way to use some of it. So hence my birthday candles card. It's quite simple to make and it will show of your lovely collection of tape !
4 washi candles on a card with happy birthday banner crossing them

You don't need to do any complicated measuring, just stick your tape down to the lengths you feel looks right. I've gone for a sort of blue theme but there is so much gorgeous patterned tape out there, you could knock up a batch of these quite quickly.

Follow the below link to find out how the card was made

You will need
  • C6 white base card
  • Blue card cut to 14 cm by 9 . 5 cm
  • White card cut to 13 cm by 8 . 5 cm
  • Banners stamp and greetings (I used Birthday Banners by Stampin Up)
  • Navy and blue ink pads (I used Stampin up's ink pads - night of navy and island indigo)
  • Rolls of washi tape (I used 4 rolls as my tape was 1 . 5 cm wide but if your tape is thinner or thicker you may get more or less candles onto your card. My washi tape came from either The Range or Poundland)
  • Piece of white card big enough to stamp your banner and greeting onto.
  • Yellow card
  • Flame punch or die (you can cut these by hand if you don't have a punch or die)
  • Orange pen (I used Promarker - Honeycomb)
  • Glue and double sided foam pads
  • Stamping aid such as Misti or Stamparatus

  1. Cut 4 flames out of yellow card either using a die, punch or by hand
    cut 4 flames using a die out of yellow card

  2. On the piece of white card (13 cm by 8 . 5 cm) stick a strip of washi tape as per the below photo. Put a dab of glue on the back of the flame and tuck the very end of the wick underneath the top of the washi tape.
    create first candle on card using a strip of washi tape and flame glued at top

  3. Cut the bottom of the washi tape a little longer than the card and tuck it round to the back of the card to create a nice neat bottom

  4. Add the other 3 candles in the same way. Doesn't matter if they are not quite evenly spaced. Just make them slightly different heights.

  5. Attach the blue card to the base card then stick the white card with candles ontop of the blue card using double sided foam pads
    Fill up front of card with 4 candles all different heights

  6. Colour a little piece of the flame orange to make it look a little more 3d
    Add some orange colour to the flames to make them less flat looking

  7. Stamp your banner using navy ink onto white card
    Swirly two layers banner stamped onto white card with navy ink

  8. Using your stamping aid, line up the greeting onto the banner. (Tip - I use a piece of acetate to cover the banner stamp. That way when I place my stamps into the right position - it holds them in place for me so I can bend the stamps slightly to match the curves of the banner. Once the stamping aid has picked up the stamps, remove the acetate and ink and stamp as per normal) Stamp the greeting using blue ink pad
    Use stamparatus to position the greeting within the banner

  9. Cut out your banner
    Double layered banner with greetings and cut out

  10. Put double height double sided foam pads onto the back of the banner. This will make your greeting really pop from your card. Stick it to the front of the candles
    Put double layer of foam pads onto back of bannerAdd banner ontop of candles on card front

This is your finished card. If you haven't got washi tape, this card could easily be made with strips of patterned paper instead.