29 November 2020

Secret snowmen chain card


It's like a Z card full of snowmen!

Do you remember cutting out chains of people out of concertina folded paper when you were younger? Maybe you still do it? Well this card is based on that principle but instead it's in the shape of snowmen.
Snowman on front of card with blue hat and scarf

It starts of as one snowman, then folds out to reveal its secret of lots of snowmen ! :)
3 snowmen hidden inside

I've done this example with just 3 folds - basically a Z fold base card, but you could make your card bigger by adding more folds. You would need a bigger piece of card to start with or maybe just make your snowmen smaller.

Follow the below link to find out how the card was made

You will need
  • Piece of white card measuring 27cm by 15 cm - this will form your base card
  • Patterned card (I used 4 different patterned pieces from 'Christmas Village' by Helz Cuppleditch)
  • Small amount of orange card
  • Small amount of white card
  • Black Ink pad (Mine came from Hobbycraft)
  • Pencil with a rubber on the end
  • Scissors
  • The snowman and clothes template which you can get here
  • Guillotine with a scoring blade
  • Glue

  1. Score your white base card at 9 cm and 18 cm. Fold into a Z shape base card and crease well.
    White base card, scored and folded at 9cm and 18cm

    The folded card creates a Z base card

  2. Using the snowman template, draw around it on the front of your base card
    Place the snowman template on your card and draw around

    Shows the snowman image on front base card

  3. Cut out your snowman shape on your base card through all layers but ensure you do not cut the sides of the snowman's body as this is where your Z card holds together and forms the chain.  Rub out any pencil marks you can see.
    Cut at the pencil lines

    When unfolded you can see 3 snowmen

  4. Using the snowman's clothes templates, cut 4 orange noses, 4 white bobbles, 4 white 'hat 2' pieces. Then out of your patterned card out 4 hat pieces and 4 of both scarf pieces. On scarf 2 piece, make little snips to form tassels. (I recommend you draw around your templates on the back of your patterned card so no pencil lines show on the front of your finished pieces.  To do this you need to turn your templates upside down (the writing on the template facing the back of your patterned card) so when cut out they will be the correct way around)  You should then have the following:
    Using the snowman clothes templates cut out hat, scarf and noses

    To make one snowman look a little different, I drew around the scarf 2 template proper way up, not upside down, so the scarf hangs on the opposite side to the rest of the snowmen - look at the black scarf

  5. Glue the bobble and 'hat 2' pieces onto the hat pieces. Glue scarf 2 piece onto scarf 1 piece. You should then have the following:
    Glue bobble and hat B parts to hat A.  Glue scarf pieces together

  6. With your card folded and the front snowman showing, glue on his hat, scarf and nose.
    Glue hat, scarf and nose to the front of card snowman

  7. Open up the snowmen and glue the hat, scarf and nose onto snowman 2 - the one that backs onto the front snowman. Line up the second snowman's hat so it matches the placement of the first snowman hat. (Try and line the snowmen's hats up the best you can, because this will ensure they are not seen from the front and therefore the secret snowmen remain secret until the card is opened.)
    Glue seconds snowmans hat, scarf and nose on

  8. Now fold the snowmen up again and work on the back snowman, gluing his hat, scarf and nose on. Ensure you line up his hat with the other snowmen's hats
    Fold to back snowman

  9. Open up the snowmen again but fold the last snowman backwards. You should now be able to see two snowmen, the second one you glued hat etc on and a blank one which is the third snowman. Glue the 3rd snowman's hat, scarf and nose on ensuring you line up his hat with the last snowman's hat

  10. You will now have the front snowman and 3 snowmen inside if you unfold them

  11. Using the rubber on the end of your pencil, dip it in the black ink and use it to create eyes, mouth and buttons on each of your snowmen

This is your finished snowmen card. You could add a greeting banner or give each of your snowmen something different, such as holly in their hat or a pretty parcel. If you are sending your card to a family of no more than 4 people, you could add the recipients names to the snowmen's hats!