Make a template and then stamp within it to create this unusual birthday card
I've created a star template and rather than just sponge some paint into the template to create the shape, I have stamped 'Happy Birthday' several times. Remove the template and you have a star that's made up of 'Happy Birthdays'. How cool is that?
It doesn't have to be a star, it can be any shape but for best effect try and keep the shape a simple one. Likewise you could use any greeting within your template. For example you could do the star with 'Merry Christmas', a balloon shape with 'Happy Birthday' or a bell shape with 'Congratulations on your wedding'.
I've stamped all but one of the greetings in blue and used a contrasting red just for one to emphasise it. You could just do them all one colour or maybe do them all different colours, maybe going through the rainbow, top to bottom.
Follow the below link to find out how the card was made